Happy Clients
There's no typical client, but below are some representative examples of the situations and the client types I most frequently work with. Examples are based on real clients.
You've likely achieved success fueled by your passion, knowledge and curiosity about your product or service.
Now you've got some obstacles in front of you.
I’m a creative and energetic thinking partner. I work with you to get at the root of the problem and set priorities.
I help you unearth fresh ideas.
We will fix it! Tell me about your business: the tasks, the calls, the emails, the meetings. I'll bring the questions.
We'll make a plan to get you where you're going.
3 Types of Clients
1. The Overstretched Entrepreneur
The Client: What Happened?
Entrepreneur 3 years into a successful business; rapid growth to 17 employees, but everyone still reports to him
He built the business with passion, smarts, and a creative group of friends; now he's too busy handling mundane operational details
His staff is constantly jockeying for position and stepping on each others' toes
Then I come in: I've got questions
We create a list of what eats up his time; then we sort it into things only he can do and things he can delegate
Using post-its, we create his ideal org chart; we determine he needs to create a management tier to handle the daily grind
We hire and promote new managers from within
We set clear expectations for the team and build trust and communication
The Results: He owns his day.
CEO is freed up to grow the business; he has renewed passion and fresh ideas
He hires a marketing manager and they develop new product lines
Employees are clear about roles and expectations, and working like a team
Sales skyrocket and they outgrow their warehouse. Twice!
We meet weekly to tackle new problems
2. The High Achiever who Needs Help with Soft Skills
The Client: Talented but in trouble
Super-star lawyer, top school, thorough knowledge of the law
Alienates colleagues and clients and doesn't know why
Defensive; feels like an outsider
Hasn't made partner after 10 years; about to be asked to leave the firm
Partners call me in as a last ditch
We start with how she sees the problem
We focus on situations when things didn't go as she expected; she describes interactions and the fallout
Through discussion, she comes to understand how her actions could be misinterpreted
We plan ways for her to create better interactions and role play them
The Results: Soft Skills Ninja
She's build self-awareness; learns to look at others’ perspectives and read cues
Clients feel listened to and give positive feedback; colleagues notice and appreciate her changes
She has a bucket of tools to solve communication problems
Bottom line: She's promoted while I'm working with her and eventually makes partner (on her own)!
3. The Professional Who's Lost Passion for their Work
The Client: I used to love this
Doctor with her own successful practice
She used to be passionate about her work, but can’t stand to come into the office anymore
Doesn’t know what happened. Feels frustrated with office staff and disconnected from patients
Wants a connection but feels her patients are treated like numbers, not people; staff doesn’t seem invested
She calls me in to brainstorm
We discuss her daily routine; she gets 10 minutes with each patient, and half of it's paperwork
We walk through the patient's entire experience, arrival to departure. Each team member does it too
We brainstorm ideas with staff; they’ve got tons of them!
Together, we redesign the waiting room and the experience end-to-end
The Results: Passion and Connection
The doctor’s excitement about work is back
The office becomes more patient-centered; music, art, reading material, and furniture create an inviting space that builds community
Staff greets patients by name when they walk in and handles all paperwork, freeing the doctor's time
Doctor can use her time with patients to connect with and understand them